Monday, June 22, 2015

Chia-Lime Bars

juice of 2-3 limes
1 stick of butter, melted
1/3 cup of GF coconut flour
1/8 cup of chia seeds
2 1/4 cups of sugar-separated
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 tsp of baking powder
2 eggs
Lime Zest, Powdered Sugar & fresh basil for garnish, all optional
1/4 cup of strawberries sliced thin

1-preheat oven to 350 degrees
2-mix flour, butter & sugar until crumbly 
3-pat into a greased pyrex-bake until golden brown :20 minutes:
4-mix lime juice, sugar, zest, baking powder, salt & eggs
5-pour over crust-bake for another 25 minutes
6-let cool 
7-dust w/ powdered sugar, lime zest & chopped fresh basil
8-top with fresh sliced strawberries 


Is gluten free right for me?

I often come across articles that talk shit: 'why you shouldn't go GF' or 'gluten free is the new South Beach.' 

Should you go gluten free to lose weight? Not necessarily. If you are interested in making a lifestyle change in order to have more energy, less bloat, & have a little encouragement to make better choices, then you may want to take a GF diet out for a spin.

I am Gluten Free. I have been for almost two years now! Do I slip every once in a while? Yes. Is there the possibility that there is gluten in somethings that I maybe am unaware of? Probably. Because I am not 'allergic' to gluten aka Celiacs, I don't have to worry about a slip-up putting me in the hospital, but I do try to avoid it on the majority.

The Truth about Gluten-Free Diets

1. Grains that are gluten free: rice, potatoes, quinoa, corn, amaranth, buckwheat & some will argue- spelt.
2. Gluten hides in sneaky places-did you know that most veggie burgers, store-made tunas and restaurant pesto are often not GF? Check the label-or ask your waiter
3. Gluten on the go-When ordering & eating out, your best bet is to go Mediterranean, Mexican, & Asian. I find that these cuisines have the most variety without me feeling sad because I had to order the salad.
4. Going Gluten free doesn't necessarily mean you are going to lose weight-or gain it either. Many people go Gluten Free & go to the grocery store & go crazy buying GF substitutes-cookies, pizza, muffins, bread, etc. Those aren't necessarily healthy choices whether you are eating GF or not. Your best bet? Stick to the outer edges of the grocery store to find the best choices  (ie: veggie, fruit, butcher & fish counters, & dairy/egg sections)
5. There is no reliable test for a gluten sensitivity. A blood-test will only show/not show whether or not you are Celiac-not gluten sensitive.
6. Read the label!-Just because something is GF doesn't necessarily mean it is healthier. The less ingredients on the label-the better.

Thinking about going GF? Try an elimination diet for at least 2 weeks and see how you feel!